Gynaecology holds a profound historical legacy that spans millennia, as evidenced by ancient Chinese medical manuscripts from 1500 BC. These texts provide detailed insights into managing complex childbirth and infertility issues.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a comprehensive understanding of women's health, as reflected in its extensive medical literature. Within this framework, menstrual blood is symbolically referred to as "Heavenly Water," underlining its pivotal role in human creation. Rather than viewing menstrual discomfort as a norm to endure, TCM perceives it as a symptom of imbalance that necessitates effective intervention instead of mere pain relief with medications. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), marked by irritability, mood fluctuations, and breast sensitivity, signifies an underlying imbalance that merits careful attention and treatment.

In TCM, two fundamental factors, Blood and the Liver, hold significant importance. The Liver not only regulates blood circulation but also influences emotional well-being. Disruptions in liver function, triggered by factors such as poor dietary habits and stress, can lead to menstrual pain and emotional fluctuations. Maintaining optimal blood health is equally critical, as conditions like blood deficiency, blood heat, and abdominal cold can contribute to menstrual irregularities. While self-diagnosing can be challenging, simple remedies like applying a hot water bottle to the abdomen or consuming ginger tea may offer relief. Furthermore, managing stress through B group vitamins and Evening primrose oil as a preventive measure can benefit women beyond their menstrual cycles.
For more severe conditions like endometriosis or heavy menstrual bleeding, seek help from your natural health professional who will help balance hormones, improve liver function and nourish and circulate blood and improve your overall health and vitality Most importantly, it is imperative not to endure discomfort silently. Whether addressing PMS or menopausal challenges, seeking guidance and professional support is essential for effectively managing these issues.
Until next time,
Stay Well
Dr Angela Palmer